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Category Archives: Wikileaks

So, Snowden worked for the NSA, right?


He worked for a company called Booz Allen Hamilton – a private company – which in turn is owned by the Carlyle Group.

I wonder why that sounds familiar… hmm.

Oh yeah! That’s the Conglomerate owned by – Dubya’s Dad!

Booz Allen Hamilton

The Bush Clan!

And so we go from Bush to Carlyle Group to Booz Allen Hamilton to the Alphabet Soup Intelligence Agencies…

With McConnel running things on the ground.

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I have known about the Green Light given to Saddam Hussein by the United States PRIOR to the invasion of Kuwait for a long time – and I suspect that most members of Congress knew as well – at least those within the inner circle of corruption. But only AFTER Julian Assange comes along – is this “TRUTH” – now accepted for what it is:

A Betrayal of Trust

How many times must the American people get fooled – before they finally lose faith in their government?

I don’t really know the answer to that question. But on a personal level – you need only lie to me ONCE before I stop listening to a word you say.

Countries really don’t matter that much anymore. (At least to those who own the planet.)
And that’s why it doesn’t much matter if one goes bankrupt while the other makes a killing – literally. In the end – the name of the game – is about WHO CONTROLS – what.

If you’re an American – and think that your President controls anything beyond the colour of his underwear – you’ve really not been paying attention to politics – at least since the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

If you’re a Brit – who thinks that the BBC speaks for the unheard masses – you’ve been going deaf for just as long.

But let’s take two other countries – which aren’t all that alike.

One, listened to their “government” – and did as the bankers told them to do (Ireland – this means YOU!) – while the other took Julian Assange’s advice – and gave the bankers and the media – a finger up their individual asses.
Iceland’s enema treatment – seems to be working.

Bank of America is just another name used by the modern-day Mafioso to take whatever they want from members of the public with whom they do business. If you think that your local Loan Shark was a mean guy – get a load of what a BANK can do to you…

“If we don’t get a University education – we’ll all end up in Police Uniforms”

That’s exactly what the Banksters want, kid….

Mobsters/Banksters need their Muscle/Grunts.

Does the Rule of Law apply in the United States?

The simple answer – is, NO.

The Law is now an illusion which allows the general public their comfortable delusion that they are still FREE and SELF-GOVERNED. That is the way it has been for some time. Julian Assange should know this. Maybe he does. But the rest of the World has yet to come to grips with the fact that they are dealing with a totalitarian Empire – no different from that of Germany’s Third Reich – when dealing with the U.S. Government.

How many people know that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s FATHER – Harold Giuliani – did hard time in prison for his association with the Mafia? Or, that the Bush family basically owned ALL the floors impacted by the airplanes in the 9/11 false flag attack on the World Trade Centers?

I certainly didn’t.

I also didn’t know that Giuliani’s chauffeur was Police Commissioner of New York City – back in 2001. It was his department provided that amazing passport that survived the supposed impact. Did you know that this same Police Commissioner – is now – in JAIL?

Did you know that the company called in to INVESTIGATE the FIRST BOMB in the basement of the World Trade Center Towers – the one which didn’t work – were called in AGAIN to investigate both Towers’ collapse? Did you know that this same company – Science Application International Corporation or, SAIC – actually make nanothermite?

Did you know that the C.I.A. hires SAIC to spy on their own employees?

Did you know the SAIC provided “evidence” for the invasion of Iraq?

Did you know the SAIC provided “evidence” for the conviction of the only terrorist charged for the 9/11 False Flag attack?

And that is STILL my only problem with Assange.

It is of course probable that THIS is the REAL REASON why Julian Assange is being pursued. If he DOES at some point in time, get his hands on inside information showing that the attacks on the World Trade Centers were DESIGNED and EXECUTED by elements within the United States government itself – it would stop the Wars – ALL OF THEM – dead in their tracks.

On the flip-side of this argument: What would happen if Julian Assange’s activities trigger a massive, open censorship movement on alternative media (as, it already has – actually.) What if the REAL REASON why the government has ALLOWED Assange this much coverage – is simply to JUSTIFY CENSORSHIP?

To give credit – where credit is due: Assange seems to have actually woken the world up from its media-induced slumber. Collateral Murder brought the war in Afghanistan, home to every otherwise sanitized news report. There is a momentum now – even amongst those that STILL believe the official story – that THESE WARS are NOT JUST.

And that cannot possibly be in favour of those in power.

Wikileaks is more than one man. In fact, it is more than one organisation.

It is an idea.

Just like the United States is just basically an idea -so is Wikileaks.

The United States of America was founded on the idea that ALL MEN were created EQUAL by God.
Quite a strange idea for its time – considering the fact that slavery still existed and that women were technically… not “Men” and hence did not have that same god-granted equality.

The idea was though, that those of ROYAL Blood – had no SPECIAL AUTHORITY – over the rest of humanity. Hence, all the rights and privileges associated with Royalty – really shouldn’t be part of the structure of a free society.

It was of course, on THAT principle – that the Republic was set up.

Democracy – or, the rule of the masses – isn’t really part of that central idea. And here’s why:
Democracy entails the Majority’s Authority over the Minority’s Will. The Minority, in effect – have no rights – God-given or, otherwise.

That is why the Republic – was established. The IDEA that God made man with EQUAL RIGHTS – could never be messed with, no matter what the Majority thought. THAT – is the foundation on which the U.S. is built. Take that away – and the concept of FREEDOM vanishes together with the United States.

Now… what does this have to do with Wikileaks?

Well, with the advent of Corporate Mass Media – it seems that it is actually possible to CONTROL the MAJORITY simply by controlling what INFORMATION they have access to. Most people tend to believe what they are told – especially, when it comes through an “authoritative source” – like TV or the Newspaper…. TIME magazine, even.

And that’s an awful concentration of power.

A small group of hyper-rich – will then have the means to CONTROL a DEMOCRACY by simply CONTROLLING the MEDIA.

Now, we have – again – a new bunch of “Royals” – with rights and privileges denied to the rest of the populace.

Enter Wikileaks.

The central philosophy behind Wikileaks (and other organisations like it) is fundamentally the SAME ones upon which the United States was founded on. But with a TWIST.


(Now, of course – we do mean all Men AND Women… even those in-between like Perez Hilton and Lady Gaga.)

Now I would consider that – for ANY REAL DEMOCRACY to function properly – the PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW what THEY ARE DOING.

“Of course we know what we are doing!” – the sheeple respond.

The same sheeple who – of their own free-will – ran into the slaughterhouse of War after 9/11…



I don’t know if Julian Assange is being played by the CIA – but that’s really quite irrelative. An organisation like Wikileaks – should be embedded within ANY free society – to prevent precisely what has already happened in the United States.

Payback seems to be the name of the game…

It’s not often you get to see royalty getting pelted with bottles…

Or, Parliament being attacked by students…

But for my part – nothing beats seeing the government and banks getting hit where it really hurts for their role in trying to censor the web – i.e. Wikileaks…

I think that ChangeDaChannels says it better than I can – in 60 seconds…

What he said was,

“An all out cyber-war erupts as Hackers take MasterCard offline and you can bet,
that the powers that be will use this and wikileaks to censor more of the internet
While the hackers are vowing to take down, paypal and even the twitters,
You do not want to tick off hackers cause they’re some hard hitters
Suicide bomber kills 15 in Northwest Pakistan as at least 83 people killed in Chile prison fire
Video is believed to show GI held in Afghanistan as Prices at the gas pump is creeping higher
Tony Blair recalled for more questions and to give evidence about Iraq
These fools are talking about RFID for guns, I think they all doing crack
TSA agents revolt over daily body scanner radiation that they face
Bank of America admits fraud in US antitrust case
and of course some are getting a free pass on new health care laws,
to opt out of key provision or as we call it the closed door deals clause
State senator files for repeal of Missouri’s Puppy Mill Act,
What a heartless creep, he outta be slapped,
And all this crap makes me wanna scream and shout,
but that’s all the time for world news in 60 seconds I’m changedachannel and I’m out!”