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Category Archives: Energy

The Elite only look to invest their wealth in THREE things:

1. Precious Metals (Gold and Silver, mostly)
2. Energy (that would be, Crude Oil – at least up until now)
3. Real Estate

For centuries Royal (Re-als) have always claimed ownership over land. I don’t know how or when such a damned-fooled idea came about that only ONE person in an entire community should have exclusive RIGHTS to collect RENT from the rest came about – but it did. And since that time Royal Estates were established, where you could farm all you liked, so long as you paid some portion of what you made to those who – ahem – OWNED the Land.

If you think these people were silly for allowing this, consider that one day, Carbon Dioxide might be taxed – effectively bringing into play – the ownership of the AIR THAT YOU BREATHE!

Rent – is an amazing idea in itself. It meant that you could make a living from doing absolutely NOTHING. As long as you owned enough land, and as long as you had enough peasants/slaves/citizens to work it – you need not lift a finger to provide for your own sustenance. What a HOOT!

Farmed produce, unfortunately doesn’t last forever. So if you kept your share of grain, taxed from the hand of the hard-working peasant for too long – it would soon lose its value. So another STORE OF VALUE needed to be found. And there was no better than Gold. Here was a metal that would not rust or rot – no matter how badly it was kept. Best of all, it was SCARCE and required a great deal of effort to find and collect. Other precious metals with somewhat similar qualities – like silver were sometimes just as good – although not quite as scarce.

For centuries, only these two forms of wealth reigned supreme:

Land and Precious Metals.

One generated wealth – while the other, preserved it.

Enter: Crude Oil.

(Or, more precisely – Consumeable Energy Sources!)

Now there suddenly appears a three-point Triangle of Wealth. Oil had a multiplier effect on the growth of wealth that human society had never seen before in its history. It allowed society to COMPLEXIFY in a way that almost no one could foresee. It also created a NEW way to GENERATE WEALTH!

The Consumer – was born.

What happens when one day – the oil wells run dry?
The Consumer will Vanish. Only the Gold/Silver and Land – will remain.
Along with those who OWN THEM BOTH!

Well, it certainly isn’t the PEOPLE who live there. They lost their country the second they gave up all their silver and gold – in return for empty paper promises commonly called the “U.S. Dollar.” The funny thing about most Americans is that they DON’T KNOW that they have been robbed and placed into slavery.

Slaves have NO RIGHTS.

So why would Ray McGovern expect any special treatment from Hillary Clinton?

Hillary is simply a Slave Mistress. She answers to her own masters – just like Obama does. In fact, most politicians are nothing more than yes-men to the real powers behind the throne.

So, who is it that REALLY owns America?

Royals held their power by owning gold and silver. Some still do. But the REAL wealth of a nation now flows from underneath the ground you walk on. Crude oil has formed the backbone of nearly every nation within the modern economy. And the people who own the oil beneath your feet – own your country.

What happens though – if the oil runs out?

I don’t believe that we are anywhere NEAR peak oil – globally. Some countries may be running short, but all over the globe there are still untapped black gold mines, ripe for the picking. The only problem is that in order to tap into that wealth – you need to buy out the country. Or, at the very least – their corrupt leaders.

And that is why the people who OWN America – own other countries as well.

If you have a foreign oil company sucking oil from underneath your feet – chances are – you are already a slave. And your government is nothing more than a puppet show, set up simply to project the illusion of democracy to the starving masses in your country.

Never take anything you hear for granted. What used to pass as “Natural Disasters” or simple “Freak Accidents” – nowadays seldom are. They are in fact, acts of economic terrorism created BY THE GOVERNMENT – or, if you like the SHADOW GOVERNMENT for reasons that elude the majority of the people.

The “News” – is CRAFTED.

9/11 was an INSIDE JOB designed to get America (okay, if you prefer NATO – but what a fig leaf THAT is!) into a war that essentially will see no end. It is designed to spill over into Pakistan and essentially break the country up into smaller – more manageable pieces (while of course, taking care of those NUKES they have!) There’s also the bonus of preventing any oil or gas pipe-lines being built from Iran directly to China. No, no, no…. cheap oil for China? NO WAY!

But that’s only the very TIP of the ICEBERG….

Chris Martenson gives his insight into this issue…