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Category Archives: Deep Water

Never take anything you hear for granted. What used to pass as “Natural Disasters” or simple “Freak Accidents” – nowadays seldom are. They are in fact, acts of economic terrorism created BY THE GOVERNMENT – or, if you like the SHADOW GOVERNMENT for reasons that elude the majority of the people.

The “News” – is CRAFTED.

9/11 was an INSIDE JOB designed to get America (okay, if you prefer NATO – but what a fig leaf THAT is!) into a war that essentially will see no end. It is designed to spill over into Pakistan and essentially break the country up into smaller – more manageable pieces (while of course, taking care of those NUKES they have!) There’s also the bonus of preventing any oil or gas pipe-lines being built from Iran directly to China. No, no, no…. cheap oil for China? NO WAY!

But that’s only the very TIP of the ICEBERG….

Chris Martenson gives his insight into this issue…