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Category Archives: Fascism

So, Snowden worked for the NSA, right?


He worked for a company called Booz Allen Hamilton – a private company – which in turn is owned by the Carlyle Group.

I wonder why that sounds familiar… hmm.

Oh yeah! That’s the Conglomerate owned by – Dubya’s Dad!

Booz Allen Hamilton

The Bush Clan!

And so we go from Bush to Carlyle Group to Booz Allen Hamilton to the Alphabet Soup Intelligence Agencies…

With McConnel running things on the ground.

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All it takes for Evil to Thrive – is for Good Men to do NOTHING.

How many more Whistleblowers do you need before you act, America?

In this interview Edward’s greatest fear is that AFTER his exposing of the Tyranny against Democracy – no one will do anything to change it.

How much do you value your future?

And if you have children – how much do you value theirs?


* ””Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,”  * “Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,”  * “Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,”  * “One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne”  * “In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.”  * “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,”  * “One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them”  * “In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.””
— J.R.R. Tolkien’s epigraph to “The Lord of The Rings”.

Everything you ever wanted to know about World War I – World War II – and the coming THIRD World War, here in one speech by Benjamin Freedman.

Phallic-worshipping Khazarians posing as Jews have taken over the planet, and unless the people of the world come to realize that they have been hoodwinked into one war after another – we are, ALL OF US – doomed.

Well, you get what you pay for…

This, ladies and gentlemen – is what War is all about. Sure, tell yourself that some bad guy like “Gaddafi” or “Saddam” or “Osama” – is doing all the baby-killing in the world. The truth is – YOUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY – is what pays for this war, and ALL WARS like it. YOU are the BABY KILLER!

And it isn’t going to stop here. The Elite (i.e. people who use YOUR MONEY for BABY KILLING) want an expansion into the ENTIRE Middle East. If they get lucky, they might even go into the South China Sea (later) and fund it all with America Tax Dollars.

And what happens when the KILL-BABY BILL gets to high – for the US Taxpayer?


Yes, that means YOU go bankrupt – and THEY offer to lend YOU some of their new “money.”
Works like a charm – EVERY TIME!

There will always be folks on this planet who believe the official story of 9/11. No matter how much evidence is gathered – no matter what they are shown – they will choose to believe that a bunch of ragheads from a God-forsaken land, living in caves and having nothing but ancient Soviet-era weapons launched the single most sophisticated attack on the world’s only remaining super power in 2001.

These same folk will believe ANYTHING – so long as it’s on TV.

And the government knows that. As long as “MOST” of the people are fooled – you can run ANY scam you want, and still keep the system running. Some scams can run for decades – like the fiat U.S. dollar, for instance. Others, like Obama’s faked Birth Certificate – seem to run straight into a brick wall. And even among the hardcore “blue pill” people – Osama’s sudden demise, seems just a stretch less credible than they would have been comfortable with. It would have been nice for them – to FINALLY put the “Myth” propagated by the 9/11 Truther to rest… with a photo of the vanquished foe – or, better yet VIDEO – on TV!

Ahh… but here’s the thing about the truth: You don’t have to spend trillions of dollars generating it. The facts are right there – and they are FREE for anyone to pick up and piece together.

Let’s take the case of Cantor Fitzgerald, for example. They lost 658 employees during September 11th – about two-thirds of their workforce. CEO and chairman Howard Lutnick, was not one of them.

It seems that Cantor handled about one-quarter of the daily transactions in the multi-trillion dollar treasury security market.

Apparently, J.P. Morgan issued 2.2 trillion dollars – MORE – in treasury bonds, than they were ALLOWED TO during the 1990’s. And the records for those transactions – were kept… well, guess where?

And we are of course, not even including the gold in the basement – which mysteriously vanished (or, should we say vaporized – along with the nano-thermite?)

It all started with Donald Trump on The View. (No, we don’t have to go back to 9/11 – this all starts with Mr. Donald “You’re Fired” Trump – trust me.)

So, Donald comes on and asks Obama to “…SHOW his Birth Certificate” – something lawmakers had been demanding for years, but never got him to do.

Then Whoopi Goldberg throws the obligatory racist reference, trying to bury the issue in a pile of dog crap. But the racist card has never really worked when it comes to Obama. He’s too “white” for most black folk – too “black” for most white folk – and simply not Asian enough – for Indonesia.

Now, this is a document people had been asking him for – for a very long time. And he spent about two million dollars in legal fees, trying to AVOID showing. But as if by some magical reality-show turn around, the President of the United States of America – seemed to listen to The Trump.


Birth Certificate of the President of the United States of America

Only problem is, that the Photoshop work – isn’t quite as “polished” as it should have been… especially for THE President of the United States of America!

Actually, the document is a total mess. It’s like a child forging a parent’s signature SO BADLY it is almost as if he WANTED to get caught. We’ll just blame it on the OCR for now… and let it go. The President of the United States of America has BETTER things to do…

Like… make a movie of himself, as President of the United States of America.

Deleted from the movie – are scenes which include the invasion of Libya, and the killing of Gaddafi’s youngest son and grandchildren – not to mention the deaths of a whole lot of civilians who just happen to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time…

But it’s just A MOVIE. No one REALLY gets killed – right?


Well… that’s where you are WRONG!

You see, just HOURS before they announced Osama’s “demise”- something very strange happened to the PRICE of SILVER!

Silver fell 14 percent in an hour – $6 in twelve minutes. Remember this was BEFORE the announcement. Just so happened that most of the Asian bourses were closed for an extended Labour Day Holiday…. so, who exactly was doing all that selling?

Now, of course – they have their “REASON” for the fall – Silver fell BECAUSE Osama was “killed.”

(We also know now – that the silver market, is somehow PSYCHIC! It falls just hours BEFORE a terrorist gets KILLED!)

Enter Geraldo Rivera – with a bad moustache, and even worse acting skills…

Even Obama can do a better job that THAT! Come on Geraldo… the BIG BAD WOLF just DIED! Jump around a little – get naked – dance in the street…. just don’t sit there like you failed acting class!

Just watch Obama take credit for something which never happened….

Anyone remember the Birth Certificate?

No… I guess not.

Obama just KILLED Osama… even though he’s been dead since 2001.

Hey, the next time anyone asks you for YOUR Birth Certificate or, Driver’s Licence – you know what to do.


It helps to dispose of fictitious evidence – as quickly as possible…


Trump covering his ass…

People seem to only care about the TRUTH – when they’ve been lied to. Only then will you have some tangible sense of how dangerous lies can be.

Aaron Russo had his first brush with GOVERNMENT LIES at the age of 24 – when police raided his nightclub in Chicago. I suppose it was that incident which allowed him to see what most people either don’t see or, don’t want to see…

The TRUTH is anything the Government DEFINES the TRUTH to be.

So the TRUTH is – that 9/11 was conducted by a bunch of people who lived in caves who listen to a man who grows younger as time goes by.

The TRUTH is that radiation is GOOD for you.

The TRUTH is that Gold and Silver – are just barbaric relics which have little or no value – compared with Government issued Printed Paper.

The TRUTH is that Gaddafi is BAD GUY who tortures and murders his own people.

The TRUTH is that it is GOOD to torture and murder your own people ONLY IF YOUR PRESIDENT TELLS YOU TO.



The TRUTH is that – FREEDOM is only for the PROGENY of the Hyper Wealthy.

The TRUTH is that YOU ARE A HAMSTER – running around in a Rothschild/Rockefeller/Queen of England owned cage.

“It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.”Albert Einstein

Let’s face it folks – your President is no more than a con man – pretending to be The Most Powerful Man on Earth. That’s really what the U.S. Presidency was DESIGNED for. You can’t have more than eight years in office – and unless you’re really lucky – most have only four.

Eight years isn’t a very long time to come up with plans which affect nations around the world for DECADES. With all that campaigning in between – I don’t see how ANY President can really have ANY significant effect on long-term national and international policy. Eight years give you just enough time to SCREW UP. And that’s pretty much what the United States Office of the President HAS been doing now – FOR DECADES.

Think about it for a second. If the President has time to sit around chatting with Mark Zuckerberg and a bunch of FaceBook geeks – WHO exactly is running the show? Who is doing all that planning?

The truth is that “The Agenda” – has already been set in stone. The plans have already been made. And the President is nothing more than a PR Man – for the REAL Power or, Powers – behind the throne.

I think that Americans subconsciously KNOW that Henry Kissinger has been pulling the Presidential Puppet Strings – from the Nixon Era onwards. Perhaps even earlier. There is a willing suspension of disbelief – when it comes to politics. It’s like watching a movie. You KNOW the whole thing is FAKE – but you don’t want to think about that – while watching a Nicholas Cage car chase Sean Connery down the streets of San Fransisco (see, The Rock).

You simply want to enjoy the movie.

So too – the average American just wants to ENJOY his/her “politics”.

They don’t want to know that THEIR tax dollars are killing children in Iraq. They don’t want to think of the depleted uranium causing deformities in Afghanistan. And they CERTAINLY don’t want to think of Gaddafi as a “Good Guy” – who turned one of the poorest nations in Africa into the wealthiest.

Nah…. he’s a terrorist! Blew up air planes and shit…

Life – REAL Life – is just too complicated for the average American. It’s like an Art House movie you can’t seem to understand. It’s like a novel which goes over your head. People have been TAUGHT that THINKING TOO MUCH – is BAD!

Simple – on the other hand – is GOOD.

Even if simple – in politics t least, is very often – simply WRONG.

Kennedy assassination:

Simple theory: Loon with a gun shoots President, because he’s a COMMUNIST!
(i.e. the “Terrorist” of the 1960’s)

Complex theory: Kennedy was destroying the power structure by bringing the country back to an honest money system and removing the secret society which ruled her under belly.

What the hell? What secret society? – That’s a CONSPIRACY!

Let’s just take the SIMPLE – theory. It’s easy to remember.

There have been many such “interventions” throughout American history. Each time, the public was fed the SIMPLE (but wrong) explanation – and they just went about their business.

Something changed with 9/11.

The SIMPLE theory – never quite gained the support it was looking for. I think that this suspension of disbelief – ran headlong into a more primal force: The need to SURVIVE…

When your own government – starts killing people JUST LIKE YOU – the movie stops being just a movie. Reality has kicked in. You can TRY to suppress it, but it never really goes away. Something inside you KNOWS the truth. It KNOWS you are in mortal danger.

Now, let’s get back to Kissinger.

Why is this guy so powerful?

Obviously, people listen to him. People like the President of the United States of America, for example. Kissinger (like, Brzezinski and Soros) – have always had more control over both domestic and foreign affairs than ANY one or two term President. People like him – are the ones with THE PLAN.

But even they, are merely facilitators – for the people THEY serve.

Who are these “people”?

The simple (and correct) answer is, NOT YOU!

How is it possible for 27 unidentified people – okay, they may be green lizard-like aliens as far as you know – to meet secretly, create rules – and then FORCE 500 million people in Europe to OBEY them?

Well, it seems they did it while those 500 million people were distracted watching television and reading magazines and newspapers…

No more Magna Carta?
No Habeas Corpus?
No protection whatsoever – for the European people – under European Law?


How do so many hidden cabals come into so much power?

And more importantly, WHY would they want to remain HIDDEN?

Nobody knows who they are – when they meet – or, how they come up with their decisions. And yet these creatures seem to have ABSOLUTE DICTATORIAL POWERS – over nearly all of EUROPE!

Even Napoleon couldn’t pull THAT one off.

Then again – he didn’t have television.