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Category Archives: J. P. Morgan

There has been a Nuclear Attack in the United States. Chances are that the ONLY effect that people on the ground felt was an Earthquake in and around New York. This may mark the culmination of the fake 9/11 Attacks – ending with a real one.

Well, you get what you pay for…

This, ladies and gentlemen – is what War is all about. Sure, tell yourself that some bad guy like “Gaddafi” or “Saddam” or “Osama” – is doing all the baby-killing in the world. The truth is – YOUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY – is what pays for this war, and ALL WARS like it. YOU are the BABY KILLER!

And it isn’t going to stop here. The Elite (i.e. people who use YOUR MONEY for BABY KILLING) want an expansion into the ENTIRE Middle East. If they get lucky, they might even go into the South China Sea (later) and fund it all with America Tax Dollars.

And what happens when the KILL-BABY BILL gets to high – for the US Taxpayer?


Yes, that means YOU go bankrupt – and THEY offer to lend YOU some of their new “money.”
Works like a charm – EVERY TIME!

There will always be folks on this planet who believe the official story of 9/11. No matter how much evidence is gathered – no matter what they are shown – they will choose to believe that a bunch of ragheads from a God-forsaken land, living in caves and having nothing but ancient Soviet-era weapons launched the single most sophisticated attack on the world’s only remaining super power in 2001.

These same folk will believe ANYTHING – so long as it’s on TV.

And the government knows that. As long as “MOST” of the people are fooled – you can run ANY scam you want, and still keep the system running. Some scams can run for decades – like the fiat U.S. dollar, for instance. Others, like Obama’s faked Birth Certificate – seem to run straight into a brick wall. And even among the hardcore “blue pill” people – Osama’s sudden demise, seems just a stretch less credible than they would have been comfortable with. It would have been nice for them – to FINALLY put the “Myth” propagated by the 9/11 Truther to rest… with a photo of the vanquished foe – or, better yet VIDEO – on TV!

Ahh… but here’s the thing about the truth: You don’t have to spend trillions of dollars generating it. The facts are right there – and they are FREE for anyone to pick up and piece together.

Let’s take the case of Cantor Fitzgerald, for example. They lost 658 employees during September 11th – about two-thirds of their workforce. CEO and chairman Howard Lutnick, was not one of them.

It seems that Cantor handled about one-quarter of the daily transactions in the multi-trillion dollar treasury security market.

Apparently, J.P. Morgan issued 2.2 trillion dollars – MORE – in treasury bonds, than they were ALLOWED TO during the 1990’s. And the records for those transactions – were kept… well, guess where?

And we are of course, not even including the gold in the basement – which mysteriously vanished (or, should we say vaporized – along with the nano-thermite?)

Do you live in a Country – or, do you live in a Company?

When you have countries like Greece – the very cradle of Western Civilization – on the brink of being swallowed up by ravaging US Corporations, you have to ask yourself if the whole concept of having a nation-state there to take care of your interests holds any water at all.

Wal-Mart makes more money than Greece. But Wal-Mart isn’t a democracy. It is a singularly totalitarian organisation. Decisions come from the top down – not the other way around.

Historically, many countries often start out as companies. The East India Company pretty much formed most of the colonial countries in Asia. The United States of America – started out being just another branch of that British enterprise – called just plain ol’ “United States.”

Countries seem to form out of companies – when the enterprise becomes less profitable. Like in the case of India – where non-cooperation from the local populace led to it turning into a huge White Elephant on the White Raja’s back. Malaya and Singapore proved too costly to protect against the Japanese invasion. Hence, the concept of “INDEPENDENCE” came into being. What it really meant was that – Britain could no longer afford to keep these remote areas of the globe under its control – and had to simply leave their “investments” behind.

Today the game is different. Companies no longer need worry about running out of “MONEY” – since “MONEY” isn’t really even money anymore. It is somehow got turned – into unbacked currency. And you can’t really run out of the stuff, since you have yet another company which makes it out of thin air (i.e. The Fed)

So, we’ll see countries, now – turning back into companies.

Libya – for example, is getting a taste of what that’s like. Many others will follow.

In fact, so long as the world keep accepting the U.S. Dollar – the Global Corporate Takeover will continue – unabated. Everything you think you own – and have worked for, all your life – will slowly be labeled “Company Property” – and given in the end – to the Owners of The Company.

Banking really, is just another name for Rape. Of course, when you go into a bank to deposit your cash – hoping for some interest in return for your frugality – you never really think of it that way. Regardless, that is exactly what it is. Bankers are just rapists – in fancy $5000 suits.

Rapists take what belong to you – and use it for their own pleasure. And, at some point – all you are going to be left with – is a lingering pain in the ass….

Pain in the As

Strauss Khan

When someone as important as Dominique Strauss-Kahn gets arrested for something as trivial as rape…. you know that the charges are probably false.

No, I think that Strauss-Kahn may be entirely CAPABLE of rape – and may have actually committed the crime on several occasions. And no, for a regular human being – rape is not a trivial matter, either. But when you are talking about men, at the very forefront of the world’s most powerful institutions – nothing short of global genocide, even gets them out of bed in the morning.

Remember – this is the country where they shoot Presidents in the head three times – and blame it on Marxist/Communist patsies. The country where they kill almost 3,000 innocent people in front of the whole world – and blame it on a guy who has Marfan Syndrome. Same country where the President can offer an obviously fake ID – and people STILL believe every word he says.

This is the United States of America, people!

We are still the good guys – no matter what, even after Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima….

And have you already forgotten that OUR ex-VICE PRESIDENT – RAPES (or, at least tries to) – whenever he feel like it!
(Al Gore – this means you!)

What makes this particular incident particularly disgusting is that the President of France – is the one doing the actual raping. And this time he has fucked the IMF Boss – through the ass – and right into the gut. The shit will hit the fan when he pulls his dick out… eventually.

I’m guessing that if Strauss-Khan ever gets out of his predicament – which is unlikely, Sarkozy had better watch HIS ass….

Or, he might end up sleeping next to the fictional Osama… (instead of the lovely, Bruni)

The Hunt Brothers were the Sacrificial Silver scapegoats – slaughtered to save the U.S. Dollar from collapse. At least, that is what Mike Maloney thinks. Quite frankly, Mike is just about the ONLY guy I know – who knows the precious metals market as well as (or, perhaps even better than) the Keiser himself…

JFK was assassinated – because of Silver. If they’d kill a sitting President to keep control of their precious currency – what else are they willing to do?

I’m guessing that we haven’t yet seen the last of these bankers. They would much sooner fight a nuclear war with China and Russia – before they give up their only source of power over the rest of society: The Creation and Distribution of Greed.


Max with Eric Sprott

It all started with Donald Trump on The View. (No, we don’t have to go back to 9/11 – this all starts with Mr. Donald “You’re Fired” Trump – trust me.)

So, Donald comes on and asks Obama to “…SHOW his Birth Certificate” – something lawmakers had been demanding for years, but never got him to do.

Then Whoopi Goldberg throws the obligatory racist reference, trying to bury the issue in a pile of dog crap. But the racist card has never really worked when it comes to Obama. He’s too “white” for most black folk – too “black” for most white folk – and simply not Asian enough – for Indonesia.

Now, this is a document people had been asking him for – for a very long time. And he spent about two million dollars in legal fees, trying to AVOID showing. But as if by some magical reality-show turn around, the President of the United States of America – seemed to listen to The Trump.


Birth Certificate of the President of the United States of America

Only problem is, that the Photoshop work – isn’t quite as “polished” as it should have been… especially for THE President of the United States of America!

Actually, the document is a total mess. It’s like a child forging a parent’s signature SO BADLY it is almost as if he WANTED to get caught. We’ll just blame it on the OCR for now… and let it go. The President of the United States of America has BETTER things to do…

Like… make a movie of himself, as President of the United States of America.

Deleted from the movie – are scenes which include the invasion of Libya, and the killing of Gaddafi’s youngest son and grandchildren – not to mention the deaths of a whole lot of civilians who just happen to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time…

But it’s just A MOVIE. No one REALLY gets killed – right?


Well… that’s where you are WRONG!

You see, just HOURS before they announced Osama’s “demise”- something very strange happened to the PRICE of SILVER!

Silver fell 14 percent in an hour – $6 in twelve minutes. Remember this was BEFORE the announcement. Just so happened that most of the Asian bourses were closed for an extended Labour Day Holiday…. so, who exactly was doing all that selling?

Now, of course – they have their “REASON” for the fall – Silver fell BECAUSE Osama was “killed.”

(We also know now – that the silver market, is somehow PSYCHIC! It falls just hours BEFORE a terrorist gets KILLED!)

Enter Geraldo Rivera – with a bad moustache, and even worse acting skills…

Even Obama can do a better job that THAT! Come on Geraldo… the BIG BAD WOLF just DIED! Jump around a little – get naked – dance in the street…. just don’t sit there like you failed acting class!

Just watch Obama take credit for something which never happened….

Anyone remember the Birth Certificate?

No… I guess not.

Obama just KILLED Osama… even though he’s been dead since 2001.

Hey, the next time anyone asks you for YOUR Birth Certificate or, Driver’s Licence – you know what to do.


It helps to dispose of fictitious evidence – as quickly as possible…


Trump covering his ass…

People seem to only care about the TRUTH – when they’ve been lied to. Only then will you have some tangible sense of how dangerous lies can be.

Aaron Russo had his first brush with GOVERNMENT LIES at the age of 24 – when police raided his nightclub in Chicago. I suppose it was that incident which allowed him to see what most people either don’t see or, don’t want to see…

The TRUTH is anything the Government DEFINES the TRUTH to be.

So the TRUTH is – that 9/11 was conducted by a bunch of people who lived in caves who listen to a man who grows younger as time goes by.

The TRUTH is that radiation is GOOD for you.

The TRUTH is that Gold and Silver – are just barbaric relics which have little or no value – compared with Government issued Printed Paper.

The TRUTH is that Gaddafi is BAD GUY who tortures and murders his own people.

The TRUTH is that it is GOOD to torture and murder your own people ONLY IF YOUR PRESIDENT TELLS YOU TO.



The TRUTH is that – FREEDOM is only for the PROGENY of the Hyper Wealthy.

The TRUTH is that YOU ARE A HAMSTER – running around in a Rothschild/Rockefeller/Queen of England owned cage.

Hyperinflation is just another term for Currency Devaluation on Amphetamines….

When one tribe of wandering Hunter Gatherers inevitably stepped into the hunting and gathering grounds of another tribe of Hunter Gatherers – any of these three responses would result:

1. They say, “Hey Bro – didn’t know this was YOUR turf” – and then walk away.
2. They say, “Hey Bro – this is OUR turf now!” – and then fight to the death.
3. They say, “Here’s some nuts – mind if we hunt here?”

It’s been about 10,000 or so years since we used nuts as currency. But apart from that – people haven’t really changed all that much. Society is bound together in a constant state of trade and negotiation by their currency. And when that currency fails, you end up with only two options: 1 and 2 – above.

I don’t care how civilized you think human beings are – but tribes still only share within their own tribes members. You pretty much can forget about getting meat, nuts or gasoline – without something to trade for it.

I like silver and gold.

And so does the University of Texas!

Now, let’s take a look at Max Keiser – in Ireland – telling them to burn the bank bond holders…

There’s no pot of gold here. The ECB leprechauns have stolen it all.