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Category Archives: Euro

Having seen how these people work in countless other countries – what is currently happening in the United States and Europe right now, come as no surprise to me. In fact, events now are as predictable as clockwork.

The collapse of the US Dollar will come through inflation. Technically, it shouldn’t really “hyper” inflate – since that would indicate a sudden precipitous drop in US dollar value – and as far as I can see, there is no way that every single country in the world is going to dump ALL its US denominated reserves simultaneously, overnight. Not that they don’t want to – it’s simply that they CAN’T. The system itself would be the bottleneck.
But they can reduce their own exposure to the USD, incrementally – and that is precisely what they have been doing.

The collapse of the Euro on the other hand will happen suddenly – simply because member nations will choose to opt out – one fine morning – without warning. My guess is that this currency will go first since it is a much easier currency to get out of – globally.

And what do you do when all these currencies fail?

Well, you’ll need a BIGGER, MORE GLOBAL – CURRENCY!

But as we all know – that’s been the plan all along. We know that because one of the Rockefellers let it slip.

We know that it may very well be gold-backed at first. And I’m guessing that countries which want to buy into the WORLD CURRENCY – will have to purchase it in GOLD. And that the gold they surrender will go to a GIANT VAULT – owned by a GLOBAL CENTRAL BANK – never to be seen again… except for those who own THAT bank!

We also know that when this Global Central Bank has sucked up nearly all the gold that’s out there – they’ll make it illegal to use any other currency – and illegal to hold PHYSICAL gold. And then, they’ll tell you that the EASIEST way to carry the Global Currency – would be to have a chip carry it for you.

And just so you don’t LOSE that chip… you need it IMPLANTED on you.

Once that’s done – they’ll take the Global Currency OFF the Gold Standard (secretly) and start creating as much fiat currency as they need – without limit. They can do that quite easily now, since they don’t even have to PRINT the money anymore.

Humanity will then be split into two distinct classes: Those who own the banks – and slaves.

The slaves will eventually evolve into an entire distinct species of human being, since I’m guessing that interbreeding will be forbidden between the two classes – and most of the slave class will probably be sterilized in any case, to control their numbers. (Heaven forbid there ever be a slave uprising, again!)

That’s their formula – in a nutshell.

If you are okay with all of that – well, just keep doing what they want you to do. Believe everything they tell you and listen to your dear President Obama.

Chances are, by the end of 2012 – there will be too few American, mentally competent enough to even raise a finger in dissent.

Well, you get what you pay for…

This, ladies and gentlemen – is what War is all about. Sure, tell yourself that some bad guy like “Gaddafi” or “Saddam” or “Osama” – is doing all the baby-killing in the world. The truth is – YOUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY – is what pays for this war, and ALL WARS like it. YOU are the BABY KILLER!

And it isn’t going to stop here. The Elite (i.e. people who use YOUR MONEY for BABY KILLING) want an expansion into the ENTIRE Middle East. If they get lucky, they might even go into the South China Sea (later) and fund it all with America Tax Dollars.

And what happens when the KILL-BABY BILL gets to high – for the US Taxpayer?


Yes, that means YOU go bankrupt – and THEY offer to lend YOU some of their new “money.”
Works like a charm – EVERY TIME!

When someone as important as Dominique Strauss-Kahn gets arrested for something as trivial as rape…. you know that the charges are probably false.

No, I think that Strauss-Kahn may be entirely CAPABLE of rape – and may have actually committed the crime on several occasions. And no, for a regular human being – rape is not a trivial matter, either. But when you are talking about men, at the very forefront of the world’s most powerful institutions – nothing short of global genocide, even gets them out of bed in the morning.

Remember – this is the country where they shoot Presidents in the head three times – and blame it on Marxist/Communist patsies. The country where they kill almost 3,000 innocent people in front of the whole world – and blame it on a guy who has Marfan Syndrome. Same country where the President can offer an obviously fake ID – and people STILL believe every word he says.

This is the United States of America, people!

We are still the good guys – no matter what, even after Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima….

And have you already forgotten that OUR ex-VICE PRESIDENT – RAPES (or, at least tries to) – whenever he feel like it!
(Al Gore – this means you!)

What makes this particular incident particularly disgusting is that the President of France – is the one doing the actual raping. And this time he has fucked the IMF Boss – through the ass – and right into the gut. The shit will hit the fan when he pulls his dick out… eventually.

I’m guessing that if Strauss-Khan ever gets out of his predicament – which is unlikely, Sarkozy had better watch HIS ass….

Or, he might end up sleeping next to the fictional Osama… (instead of the lovely, Bruni)

The Hunt Brothers were the Sacrificial Silver scapegoats – slaughtered to save the U.S. Dollar from collapse. At least, that is what Mike Maloney thinks. Quite frankly, Mike is just about the ONLY guy I know – who knows the precious metals market as well as (or, perhaps even better than) the Keiser himself…

JFK was assassinated – because of Silver. If they’d kill a sitting President to keep control of their precious currency – what else are they willing to do?

I’m guessing that we haven’t yet seen the last of these bankers. They would much sooner fight a nuclear war with China and Russia – before they give up their only source of power over the rest of society: The Creation and Distribution of Greed.


Max with Eric Sprott

How is it possible for 27 unidentified people – okay, they may be green lizard-like aliens as far as you know – to meet secretly, create rules – and then FORCE 500 million people in Europe to OBEY them?

Well, it seems they did it while those 500 million people were distracted watching television and reading magazines and newspapers…

No more Magna Carta?
No Habeas Corpus?
No protection whatsoever – for the European people – under European Law?


How do so many hidden cabals come into so much power?

And more importantly, WHY would they want to remain HIDDEN?

Nobody knows who they are – when they meet – or, how they come up with their decisions. And yet these creatures seem to have ABSOLUTE DICTATORIAL POWERS – over nearly all of EUROPE!

Even Napoleon couldn’t pull THAT one off.

Then again – he didn’t have television.

I don’t know of any other movie on the Net – other than Loose Change – which has awakened and affected the public to the tyranny of the modern monetary system more – than Zeitgeist (the first movie)

Zeitgeist II (Addendum) was a little harder to watch – and a there was a growing sense of incredulity towards the end.

I’ll let YOU decide how this THIRD Zeitgeist movie fares. And if this proves too heavy for you – try “The American Dream” below, first – as an intro….

Countries really don’t matter that much anymore. (At least to those who own the planet.)
And that’s why it doesn’t much matter if one goes bankrupt while the other makes a killing – literally. In the end – the name of the game – is about WHO CONTROLS – what.

If you’re an American – and think that your President controls anything beyond the colour of his underwear – you’ve really not been paying attention to politics – at least since the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

If you’re a Brit – who thinks that the BBC speaks for the unheard masses – you’ve been going deaf for just as long.

But let’s take two other countries – which aren’t all that alike.

One, listened to their “government” – and did as the bankers told them to do (Ireland – this means YOU!) – while the other took Julian Assange’s advice – and gave the bankers and the media – a finger up their individual asses.
Iceland’s enema treatment – seems to be working.

Payback seems to be the name of the game…

It’s not often you get to see royalty getting pelted with bottles…

Or, Parliament being attacked by students…

But for my part – nothing beats seeing the government and banks getting hit where it really hurts for their role in trying to censor the web – i.e. Wikileaks…

The NEXT TIME you go to one of those U.N. Summits – make sure you HIDE your Credit Cards. Apparently there’s one particular Secretary of State who’s busy writing Credit Card Numbers down. According to Wikileaks – Hillary Clinton ORDERED her Diplomats to STEAL certain U.N. Officials’ Credit Card Details.

Refuse an I.M.F. loan and Hillary Clinton will go shopping using YOUR CREDIT!

Everybody steals from everyone… that’s really what the Federal Reserve is for…

(Well, unless you’re part of the Illuminati – in which case – money ALWAYS returns to your pocket – at any cost!)

Who are the people behind the Euro?

A bunch of bankers who, in their hubris – want control over the entire continent of Europe?


These are GLOBALISTS – who want to control THE WORLD!!!

And the Euro – is just one-third of a much larger plan – for a Global, non-physical currency – controlled entirely, by a very small number of people within the ruling elite.