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Category Archives: Religion

Everything you ever wanted to know about World War I – World War II – and the coming THIRD World War, here in one speech by Benjamin Freedman.

Phallic-worshipping Khazarians posing as Jews have taken over the planet, and unless the people of the world come to realize that they have been hoodwinked into one war after another – we are, ALL OF US – doomed.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
– Revelations chapter 13, verse 17

I don’t think that any other section of the Bible has been speculated more upon, than the one from where the verse above is taken. Who IS the Beast? What IS his NAME? What does 666 translate to?

Well, I really don’t care.

To me it makes no difference what or who Mr. Antichrist 666 is. When he/she/it shows up at my door – he/she/it will get fucked up the ass – same like anyone else that tries to mess with me. But, what I do want to point out is that – for some incredibly stupid reason – human beings seemed to have GIVEN AWAY the God-given right – to create their OWN medium of exchange.

Why we would ever want a Global Body – with the right to issue a Global Currency – is well beyond me. And that’s because a Global Currency ALREADY exists. It has for centuries. It’s called Gold. (And by association, Silver.)

The way I see this going down is like this.

1. A Global Economic Crisis comes about – currencies collapse and world trade suddenly grinds to a halt.
2. People demand an alternate currency – one free from all the muddle that the current US backed system has.
3. A gold (and/or silver) currency comes about.
4. Then slowly unbacked paper gold and silver make their way into the system.
5. Gradually, the REAL physical metal vanishes out from the world financial universe.
6. Physical metals are dropped from the World Currency.
7. ONLY certain people (the richest) are allowed to use Gold and Silver as currency. The slaves must now ONLY trade with each other – and trade must be REGULATED.
Enter the Mark of the Beast…. (i.e. RFID chips)

Of course, all of this has ALREADY HAPPENED!
(Yes, even the RFID part but a tiny number idiots thought it was a GOOD idea, thankfully.)

That’s the American story in a nutshell. That is how the banking cartel removed nearly ALL the gold and silver from the pockets of the average working American – in the course of just a few lifetimes. And they can happily use the same model again, since no one seems to be paying any attention to the fact that they are essentially… using Beast Money!

I don’t believe in prophecy – or, for that matter prophets.

But I do believe that there is a small number of people who believe that they were born to Rule the Earth. And these people have a plan.

If you want to know what that plan looks like, listen to Lindsey Williams. He’s got the inside scoop. Everything that I’ve said above – is pure conjecture, based of past historical evidence…

No one can REALLY predict the future.

But you sure as hell can PLAN it.

The FIRST Great War of the 21st Century – has begun.

Unlike World War I and World War II – most people have yet to notice. Sure, people like Celente have been screaming about it for years, but no one REALLY believed it would REALLY happen. Not even after invading Afghanistan and Iraq – under false pretenses.

But don’t worry. The Elite KNOW what they are doing.

In any case, they KNOW they’ll be OKAY. It’s all been mapped out – decades in advance… what could possibly go wrong?

Here’s the NWO Game Plan – if you’d like to know.

1. Destabilize North Africa and the Middle East – so much, that Islamic Fundamentalism takes over.

2. The British Intelligence made Islamic Fundamentalist Organisation – called the “Muslim Brotherhood” – will then co-opt the action. All current Royals in the Middle East will be deposed. Even that of Saudi Arabia. The Middle East will then be entirely controlled by this fake British-run puppet fundamentalism (as are most Churches today)

3. Once a complete monopoly over Sweet Crude is established – prices will drop dramatically. That’ll bring a shit-storm over economies out there – which still export oil – independent of British-American control.

Somewhere in between all of that – the American dollar drops out of favour and value – and a NEW Global Currency is introduced. Of course, it will be PARTLY Gold-backed. Just for now. Until everyone has had a piece. Then, just like ALL other currencies, the gold component will be removed…. quietly.
(Oh don’t worry – the Net would have been shut down and/or censored LONG before that happens! So even if YOU noticed – you’d never be able to tell anyone about it.)

A purely VIRTUAL currency will then be introduced – forcing the people to carry VIRTUAL CASH – in little implanted RFID chips on their body.

The complete dominion over the peasants of the planet – would then have been – COMPLETE.

Don’t believe a word of what I’m saying?

Try telling that to Lindsey Williams…

How did YOU get so poor?

Well, for one thing – you never really worked for REAL Money. And by “REAL” – I mean: something with INTRINSIC VALUE equal or higher to the ENERGY/WORK you put in to earn it.
Gold takes A LOT of energy to produce. And I’m not just talking about the amount of human effort it takes to dig it out of the ground. Gold, you see – can ONLY be created when a STAR EXPLODES. Yes, every single atom of Gold on this planet is a result of our previous “sun” – going super nova. There may even have been two of them, before our present system took shape. You simply CANNOT have Gold – unless a you have a SUPERNOVA. (The same is true for Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Uranium, Rhodium etc.) You may be able to create some artificially in the lab – like Plutonium is, through various neutron-induced fission processes – but it would almost certainly cost MORE (energy-wise) than what we already have from supernova residue. So, nuclear alchemy aside – the Gold we have – is always going to be that which was created some 5 billion or so, years ago – when the previous sun – died.

This natural limit – GUARANTEES its SCARCITY.


Granted, in the future we may find Gold and other precious metals on planets like Mars, or even perhaps on one of Jupiter’s moons. But that can never really significantly affect its scarcity, here on Earth.

What interest me is this: For centuries various cultures have worshiped the Sun – unbeknown to them – the Maker of Gold (i.e. their money.)
But today, human beings have come now to worship (“serve”- if you prefer) the maker of their modern, fiat currency – the Federal Reserve. Also, for the most part – unknowingly.
No wonder the Money Masters want to retain their God-like status in the world.
It’s rather nice being worshiped.

That’s right – YOUR World – not the world of the Elite/Illuminati…

You see, the uber-elite DON’T NEED YOU around anymore. Their power lies not in the number of people they control but in the sophistication and power of the WEAPONS they have. And believe me, you have NO IDEA what they have developed. These people aren’t about to show you their hand – at least in a “conventional” war – i.e. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. They may field-test some things occasionally, but you’ll never see that happen on mainstream “news.”

Invisibility suit?
Has anyone seen mine lying around somewhere?

So what do you do – with such a large mass of people – with NO USEFUL FUNCTION whatsoever – as far as the elite are concerned?

You get rid of them – en masse.

Hello there 2012!

It seems that governments ARE scrambling to put a lid on this popular uprising. It is widely expected – and by this I mean, those in the Buy Silver Crash J.P. Morgan campaign, (see Max Keiser) that Gold and Silver prices WILL COME UNDER ATTACK on Monday – to strengthen the British Pound and U.S. dollar – and thereby, slowing the tidal wave of inflation which threatens to decapitate the British Royalty and Government alike.

America isn’t far behind – although I suspect that in a country so jaded to tyranny and almost completely hypnotized by their own media – it will take a while before the citizens realize that they have NOTHING to lose – in the same way the Egyptian people finally did. And when you have nothing to lose (to quote G. Celente) – you lose it.

The REAL question, is whether or not these uprisings were PLANNED. Well, I think they were.
But something went wrong…

You CAN control what people see on T.V. and read in the Newspapers.
You CAN get people to VOTE for a dummy President.
You CAN get your Federal Reserve to PRINT as MUCH money as needed to SPREAD INFLATION Globally.
You CAN feed information to Wikileaks and make it LOOK like you are in CONTROL.
You CAN change Trading Rules to bring the price of Precious Metal down.
You CAN even shut off the INTERNET and hope things go back to where they were.

The ONE THING that Governments CANNOT DO – not now – NOT EVER AGAIN (at least not in this generation) – is to REGAIN THE TRUST that the people freely bestowed upon them. The people aren’t going to look to ANYONE in power – to save them. They KNOW now, that they are being SET UP. They KNOW that they are being PLAYED.

Politics comes to an end when the people realize that their rulers – are nothing more than naked, greedy scumbags trying to make a quick buck for their wealthy patrons and themselves. The game is up – for the uber-rich and powerful.

Heads are going to roll – globally.

I’m guessing – but they MIGHT just start with those who meet up every year – in Bohemian Grove.

Zionism – as defined by the Rothschild’s – is NOT in ANY WAY good for either Israel or, Judaism.
In fact, I think that this particular form of Nationalism or, Ethnic Bias – serves no other purpose beyond supporting the aims of those who control the agenda of the movement. In fact, I think that it achieves the exact opposite aims of which it professes to aspire to.

Rothschild’s Zionism – will destroy Israel – eventually. The same way that Rockefeller’s America – HAS destroyed the United States of America.

How did the Dark Side of the Political, Military, Police and Media Forces – become larger than the Light (or, White) Side?

And the NUMBER ONE source for MINIONS working for the Dark Side?

Your local Church Parish.