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Tag Archives: 666

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
– Revelations chapter 13, verse 17

I don’t think that any other section of the Bible has been speculated more upon, than the one from where the verse above is taken. Who IS the Beast? What IS his NAME? What does 666 translate to?

Well, I really don’t care.

To me it makes no difference what or who Mr. Antichrist 666 is. When he/she/it shows up at my door – he/she/it will get fucked up the ass – same like anyone else that tries to mess with me. But, what I do want to point out is that – for some incredibly stupid reason – human beings seemed to have GIVEN AWAY the God-given right – to create their OWN medium of exchange.

Why we would ever want a Global Body – with the right to issue a Global Currency – is well beyond me. And that’s because a Global Currency ALREADY exists. It has for centuries. It’s called Gold. (And by association, Silver.)

The way I see this going down is like this.

1. A Global Economic Crisis comes about – currencies collapse and world trade suddenly grinds to a halt.
2. People demand an alternate currency – one free from all the muddle that the current US backed system has.
3. A gold (and/or silver) currency comes about.
4. Then slowly unbacked paper gold and silver make their way into the system.
5. Gradually, the REAL physical metal vanishes out from the world financial universe.
6. Physical metals are dropped from the World Currency.
7. ONLY certain people (the richest) are allowed to use Gold and Silver as currency. The slaves must now ONLY trade with each other – and trade must be REGULATED.
Enter the Mark of the Beast…. (i.e. RFID chips)

Of course, all of this has ALREADY HAPPENED!
(Yes, even the RFID part but a tiny number idiots thought it was a GOOD idea, thankfully.)

That’s the American story in a nutshell. That is how the banking cartel removed nearly ALL the gold and silver from the pockets of the average working American – in the course of just a few lifetimes. And they can happily use the same model again, since no one seems to be paying any attention to the fact that they are essentially… using Beast Money!

I don’t believe in prophecy – or, for that matter prophets.

But I do believe that there is a small number of people who believe that they were born to Rule the Earth. And these people have a plan.

If you want to know what that plan looks like, listen to Lindsey Williams. He’s got the inside scoop. Everything that I’ve said above – is pure conjecture, based of past historical evidence…

No one can REALLY predict the future.

But you sure as hell can PLAN it.