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Category Archives: Japan

There has been a Nuclear Attack in the United States. Chances are that the ONLY effect that people on the ground felt was an Earthquake in and around New York. This may mark the culmination of the fake 9/11 Attacks – ending with a real one.

When you threaten to kill 120 million people – using secret weather weapons… it could mean one of several things:

A) You are – joking, there’s no such thing as “weather weapons” – come on!
B) You are a terrorist who is running a little low on suicide “jihadists”
C) You are Vladimir Zhirinovsky
D) You are a Globalist who accidentally shot your mouth off – about future plans, after Fukushima…

I don’t know about you, but as insane as Zhirinovsky always seems to sound, I’m sure he doesn’t mean what he says…

…not with those puppy dog eyes!

John P. Holdren on the other hand – is an entirely different beast…

How accurate can you be when predicting an Earthquake?

If you are Benjamin Fulford – you’d be right,100 percent of the time. But that’s only because he gets inside information. Natural disasters are generally unpredictable. Un-natural ones, come right on time!

On April 11th, 2011 – there was a big Earthquake in Japan – caused by HAARP heating up a water reservoir deep beneath Mt. Fuji. – It seems like. J. Rockefeller and his gang aren’t done with Japan, yet.

Spent fuel rods placed in Reactor 3 only FOUR months before the Earthquake/Tsunami on March 11th, 2011.

The firing of Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd by the Federal Reserve… yes, THAT Federal Reserve.

The murder of Japanese Prime Ministers.

And the U.S. Military, running out of money – and trying to get their hands on Gaddafi’s Gold.

Finally, the possible death of billions and billions – if these people are not stopped.

If Benjamin Fulford was right about the recent Earthquake – you may want to tip the odds in his favour on his other “predictions.”

That would be the smart thing to do.

When you bomb HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES and pretty much anything but a hostile military target – it is called a “Humanitarian Bombing.”

Of course, in Libya you may not find as many churches… so… I guess they’ll have to find the NEXT best thing.

So, this is the result of placing a Nobel Peace Prize Winner – at the head of the United Nations: Humanitarianism…

Humanitarian Bombing

Kill for Humanity

Barry Obama

Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Maybe that’s a misnomer.

It implies that human beings are actually behind all this bombing and killing (for love and peace.) Maybe THAT’S where the fallacy really lies. Maybe the people who make these decisions aren’t really human at all. Maybe, they are – puppets?

Maybe the REAL goal – is to eventually rid the planet of all human life. Extinction – as a species. It is not like that will be such a BAD thing for our planet. The Earth seems to have done pretty well without our species for the most part of its history. Maybe the great “human experiment” – has run its course, and failed.

The globalists may only be the self-destruct gene in the giant gene pool of life. If things keep getting even more stupid – they will, all by themselves – find the road to their own extinction.

Honestly, how can you listen to people like Ann Coulter – and NOT believe that the Human Race is on the brink?

The Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor (Reactor 3) had spent fuel rods piled on the top. Those spent fuel rods had Plutonium in them. And when it blew, it spewed PLUTONIUM right into the atmosphere – perhaps even the stratosphere.

The human body has no tolerance the artificially created element – plutonium. There is NO SAFE DOSE. Which means of course, that almost EVERYONE who either breathes it in or, consumes it through contaminated food or water – WILL DIE of RADIATION POISONING.

Mark 1 Fukushima Nuclear Reactor

Mark 1 Fukushima Nuclear Reactor

Now, why would they have a Mark 1 Plutonium Reactor built on a fault line?

Why would they place spent fuel rods – full of plutonium – sitting on top of a reactor?

Why would they not try to REMOVE those rods even before the reactor gets critical?

If the explosion happened UNEXPECTEDLY – then many people would have been killed. Yet there have been no reports of anyone being killed by the Reactor 3 explosion. Did they KNOW it would happen?

If they did – why didn’t they even ATTEMPT to remove the plutonium rods?

No robots around, Japan?

Honestly, none of this adds up.

Think this was all some kind of accident – with Murphy’s Law being strictly adhered to until the very end?

Think again.

Super Moon gives you an excuse for an Earthquake – there you have your “patsy.” Use HAARP to generate a very precisely targeted earthquake to generate a tsunami. Let the wave shut down your cooling system – but of course the “earthquake” would have already cause a cooling leak – which you can BLAME on the EARTHQUAKE.

Then all you have to do – is wait for a meltdown.

When the superheated core finally blows – it takes PLUTONIUM into the air.

In one swift move, you’ve pretty much killed millions of people – AND shut down the Japanese economy.

Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki would pale in comparison to THIS blatant act of WAR. And make no mistake – we are at war. It is the CORPORATIONS who are fighting each other – not the States. And that is why, you will see no guns or bombs out in the open.

You will see ONLY what they want you to see.

And by the time you figure out what is really going on – it will be much too late – for ANYONE to do ANYTHING about it.

See Update

Mt. Fuji Microwaved

Is it possible to CREATE an Earthquake?

You bet.

Was it used to generate the recent 8.9 Earthquake in Japan on March 11th, 2011?

Very possibly.

You see, the Japanese Finance Ministry was threatened with an “Earthquake device” – if they didn’t play ball – with the financial powers that-be. I guess, someone didn’t listen.

So, how come in the media even so much as mentions the capabilities of earthquake devices – like, HAARP?

Well, you figure out the answer to that question….

Of course, it could have just been the “Super Moon” coupled with a Solar Mass Ejection – hitting Antarctica….

Important Update from the White Dragon Society

Nuclear bombs work just as well – if placed in the right location…

See Update

Mt. Fuji Microwaved