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Tag Archives: Tsunami

When you threaten to kill 120 million people – using secret weather weapons… it could mean one of several things:

A) You are – joking, there’s no such thing as “weather weapons” – come on!
B) You are a terrorist who is running a little low on suicide “jihadists”
C) You are Vladimir Zhirinovsky
D) You are a Globalist who accidentally shot your mouth off – about future plans, after Fukushima…

I don’t know about you, but as insane as Zhirinovsky always seems to sound, I’m sure he doesn’t mean what he says…

…not with those puppy dog eyes!

John P. Holdren on the other hand – is an entirely different beast…

How accurate can you be when predicting an Earthquake?

If you are Benjamin Fulford – you’d be right,100 percent of the time. But that’s only because he gets inside information. Natural disasters are generally unpredictable. Un-natural ones, come right on time!

On April 11th, 2011 – there was a big Earthquake in Japan – caused by HAARP heating up a water reservoir deep beneath Mt. Fuji. – It seems like. J. Rockefeller and his gang aren’t done with Japan, yet.

Spent fuel rods placed in Reactor 3 only FOUR months before the Earthquake/Tsunami on March 11th, 2011.

The firing of Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd by the Federal Reserve… yes, THAT Federal Reserve.

The murder of Japanese Prime Ministers.

And the U.S. Military, running out of money – and trying to get their hands on Gaddafi’s Gold.

Finally, the possible death of billions and billions – if these people are not stopped.

If Benjamin Fulford was right about the recent Earthquake – you may want to tip the odds in his favour on his other “predictions.”

That would be the smart thing to do.

Is it possible to CREATE an Earthquake?

You bet.

Was it used to generate the recent 8.9 Earthquake in Japan on March 11th, 2011?

Very possibly.

You see, the Japanese Finance Ministry was threatened with an “Earthquake device” – if they didn’t play ball – with the financial powers that-be. I guess, someone didn’t listen.

So, how come in the media even so much as mentions the capabilities of earthquake devices – like, HAARP?

Well, you figure out the answer to that question….

Of course, it could have just been the “Super Moon” coupled with a Solar Mass Ejection – hitting Antarctica….

Important Update from the White Dragon Society

Nuclear bombs work just as well – if placed in the right location…

See Update

Mt. Fuji Microwaved