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Tag Archives: Kissinger Calls For US Ground Invasion Of Libya

“It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.”Albert Einstein

Let’s face it folks – your President is no more than a con man – pretending to be The Most Powerful Man on Earth. That’s really what the U.S. Presidency was DESIGNED for. You can’t have more than eight years in office – and unless you’re really lucky – most have only four.

Eight years isn’t a very long time to come up with plans which affect nations around the world for DECADES. With all that campaigning in between – I don’t see how ANY President can really have ANY significant effect on long-term national and international policy. Eight years give you just enough time to SCREW UP. And that’s pretty much what the United States Office of the President HAS been doing now – FOR DECADES.

Think about it for a second. If the President has time to sit around chatting with Mark Zuckerberg and a bunch of FaceBook geeks – WHO exactly is running the show? Who is doing all that planning?

The truth is that “The Agenda” – has already been set in stone. The plans have already been made. And the President is nothing more than a PR Man – for the REAL Power or, Powers – behind the throne.

I think that Americans subconsciously KNOW that Henry Kissinger has been pulling the Presidential Puppet Strings – from the Nixon Era onwards. Perhaps even earlier. There is a willing suspension of disbelief – when it comes to politics. It’s like watching a movie. You KNOW the whole thing is FAKE – but you don’t want to think about that – while watching a Nicholas Cage car chase Sean Connery down the streets of San Fransisco (see, The Rock).

You simply want to enjoy the movie.

So too – the average American just wants to ENJOY his/her “politics”.

They don’t want to know that THEIR tax dollars are killing children in Iraq. They don’t want to think of the depleted uranium causing deformities in Afghanistan. And they CERTAINLY don’t want to think of Gaddafi as a “Good Guy” – who turned one of the poorest nations in Africa into the wealthiest.

Nah…. he’s a terrorist! Blew up air planes and shit…

Life – REAL Life – is just too complicated for the average American. It’s like an Art House movie you can’t seem to understand. It’s like a novel which goes over your head. People have been TAUGHT that THINKING TOO MUCH – is BAD!

Simple – on the other hand – is GOOD.

Even if simple – in politics t least, is very often – simply WRONG.

Kennedy assassination:

Simple theory: Loon with a gun shoots President, because he’s a COMMUNIST!
(i.e. the “Terrorist” of the 1960’s)

Complex theory: Kennedy was destroying the power structure by bringing the country back to an honest money system and removing the secret society which ruled her under belly.

What the hell? What secret society? – That’s a CONSPIRACY!

Let’s just take the SIMPLE – theory. It’s easy to remember.

There have been many such “interventions” throughout American history. Each time, the public was fed the SIMPLE (but wrong) explanation – and they just went about their business.

Something changed with 9/11.

The SIMPLE theory – never quite gained the support it was looking for. I think that this suspension of disbelief – ran headlong into a more primal force: The need to SURVIVE…

When your own government – starts killing people JUST LIKE YOU – the movie stops being just a movie. Reality has kicked in. You can TRY to suppress it, but it never really goes away. Something inside you KNOWS the truth. It KNOWS you are in mortal danger.

Now, let’s get back to Kissinger.

Why is this guy so powerful?

Obviously, people listen to him. People like the President of the United States of America, for example. Kissinger (like, Brzezinski and Soros) – have always had more control over both domestic and foreign affairs than ANY one or two term President. People like him – are the ones with THE PLAN.

But even they, are merely facilitators – for the people THEY serve.

Who are these “people”?

The simple (and correct) answer is, NOT YOU!